Peta Milan - regenerative investing, leadership and governance specialist

International Speaker | Author | Regenerative Investing | Regenerative Leadership Development | Rewilding I Scalable Regenerative Transitions | Tantra Coach I Non-Executive Director I Future Cities I Film Maker I Certification Programs

I drive global thought leadership and practices in regenerative investment strategies, regeneration finance, and regenerative economics – advancing people to powerful results beyond standard sustainability leadership and ESG, impact investment, climate transitions, economic development and conventional approaches to leadership. I do this through the Embodied Regenerative Leaders Certification, our Family Office, Henmil Group Family Office and its portfolio of leading regenerative companies, international speaking engagements, books, and films 

The Embodied Regenerative Leaders Certification, designed for men, women and non-binary people who are in leadership roles in corporations, investment and public office, draw from my experiences as an accredited regenerative practitioner with certifications in Blockchain Strategy and Innovation and Competitive Strategy from Oxford University and the London School of Economics respectively. I also have and MBA in International Business and Finance and Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, trained in Eastern Philosophies including Buddhism, Hinduism and Ancient Hebrew traditions, and I’m an accredited Embodied Tantra, Breathwork and Somatic Experiencing facilitator. I bring traditional wisdom to modern finance, business, governance and scalable regenerative transitions.

I openly challenge conventional principles of sustainability and principles of economic growth and development with an alternative paradigm of regeneration. Regeneration is based in living systems principles. My cornerstone course “The Embodied Regenerative Leaders Certification” is for men and women interested in becoming leaders who lead in future cities, unlocking their regenerative health, balancing feminine and masculine energies as well as learning practical skills in regenerative principles, practice and systematics frameworks –  for breakthrough results across career, relationship, communication, health and investment returns. We go deep into the purpose of leadership and what that purpose is uniquely to you. These programs offer breakthrough results across:

  • investment returns through regenerative investing methodologies
  • de-risking your portfolio through regenerative governance strategies
  • future-proofing your investments by working with regenerative principles and frameworks
  • significant business and leadership results by applying the principles and frameworks to your strategy and implementation practices
  • radically improved personal physical and mental health
  • improved communication skills
  • breakthroughs in quality of relationship to self and others
  • clarity of purpose and experience of fulfilment
Included in the Certification are a series of rewiliding retreats. Rewilding means a return to identifying oneself as a living system in interdependent relationship with larger human and non human living systems, and creating from these principles. This is the first all inclusive regenerative work that fully integrates the cognition, the body and the spirit. The completion of these programs enables participants to achieve their Embodied Regenerative Leaders Certification, the first global certification for leaders across business, investing and finance and governance, including public office.

In addition registering in the Certifications, on this site you can

  • book me to present an innovative keynote presentations at your event,
  • register on the mailing list for updates on my forthcoming books, 
  • contact me for special appointments such as Non-Executive Director and Advisory Board positions
  • access lots of great insights and tools to grow your understanding and capability in working with regenerative investment strategies.

Recent posts

The Potential of Family Offices to Shape the Future of Investing

Family Offices are well positioned to drive their $USD 6 trillion of investable capital into interrupting conventional and impact investing’s pattern of degeneration. Family Offices care about legacy wealth, the wealth of their future generations of families. This is where regenerative investing is an opportunity for Family Offices to lead in investing in ways that can radically shift the future risk landscape. Families need to be willing to look beyond the short termism of the opportunistic investment thesis which means also looking beyond the opportunistic asset managers of the old guard

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Rewilding the Masculine

Find out more about these breakthrough retreats within our Embodied Regenerative Leaders Certification

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